Thursday, March 01, 2007

friends doing great things

I have great friends. I recommend that everyone keep great friends. Old friends, new friends. . . time doesn't matter when you can consider the laughter or tears that have been shared. Please note: my friends do incredible things.

From my inbox today are two special notes: Alisa (who grew up in New Mexico, became most treasured of roommates in college, and currently hails from Mexico where she lives with some great man that I have never met.) Most days Alisa encourages us all to think and notice what beauty surrounds us. Today she encouraged our little email circle that there are opportunities to give to charities that support the politically oppressed. Want more details? Check out

And one other treasure that arrived in my inbox. A re- introduction to an old college friend named Max. He was beloved by my circle of girlfriends back in the day. Now he is husband, preacher, counselor, and up & coming filmmaker all from the great state of New York. Check out this recent short film if you have a stomach for scary movies. (You have been warned.)

That is all for this short entry of todays edition of "friends new and old who are wonderful". Promise to right more in March than I did in February!

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